Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Since You've Been Gone...


This is the weird time of the semester.  There is one month left until we are done with the semester and will be  replaced by new Americans at UQ, but at this point we are feeling like Cromwell is our home and have set into our routines with the many friendships here in Australia.  Such a bittersweet feeling.  The only way to cope is to enjoy the time left to the fullest and leave this country on such a good note.

Change is a part of life, especially in Australia with so many $1 or $2 coins, and you have to find a way to adjust to the new as it presents itself.  I am extremely sorry to let everyone know that there is a big change in my life that has just occurred.  It happened after a great deal of thought and consideration on my part, resulting in the loss of sleep.  Though I know many of you will respect me less, and I may lose the titles that I have earned in the past few months, one of which being Shop Customer of the Week, I must be honest with my friends and family across several continents.  I cannot imagine the disappointment felt from one of my favorite bands, but I am sad to inform you that I have shaved my beard.  

I no longer am able to store food, pencils, or knowledge in the ginger animal that has called my face home for the past 3 months.  The world is considerably colder and I no longer have anything to contribute to conversations now that I cannot be questioned as to how much longer I will keep the beard.  I have lost all my intimidation on the sporting field and have no way to hide my facial acne now that the bond between my face and the hair, made famous by my viking ancestors,  has been severed.

On the bright side, I can walk past children without their mothers hurrying her kids along.  I may also be able to enter a room of friends or strangers without at least once person touching, stroking, poking, groping, inspecting, running their fingers through, or tugging on my beard.  I could even play Fresher Rugby without being accused of being over 40 years old now that I may actually resemble the picture on my photo ID.  

Though I understand that this is a big step in my life and it would be easy to blame yourself, I hope that no one feels personally responsible for my decision.  The choice is my own and part of me will regret it each morning henceforth. 

However, Please be comforted by the amount of fun that I had shaving it into different shapes and styles.

Pre-Shave with the support group6 pencils in the beard

Mutton chops w/ handlebar

Disgusting mustache

Beard is officially gone and Lanolin and Patches have mixed feelings

With much love and some beardless remorse,


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gotta Love the Citycat

Life goes on in Australia after the amazing time in Heron Island and Whitsundays.  The work piled up and got pretty stressful but I got through it and have a bit of a break before more assignments are due.  Weird feeling because a lot of friends in the states are either done with class for the semester or will be within a week or so.  

One great thing that happened recently is a boat cruise that all the Cromwell kids got involved in.  We did miss the AFL game that Ann had planned but the boat cruise was definitely worth it.  It was one of Cromwell's rare fancy events.  We sailed up and down the Brisbane river for a couple hours and everyone got all dressed up.  Some of the old boys and girls (people who lived in Cromwell last year or the year before but moved out for their later years at Uni) came on the cruise too.  I was surprised to meet some people who knew Matt Edgar and Corbi Sandoe.  Small world huh?

We also have been exploring Brisbane more by going  Bowling alley/ laser tag for Esme's birthday.  Some good family fun.  We had to wait a while before laser tag so some of us decided to dance in the lobby.  Antonia tried to teach me to shuffle... unfortunately, I did not learn it yet.  In time, I'll get it.
Rugby is going alright so far.  It's been a lot of fun to hang out with the guys and learn the game a lot better.  While we are not winning a lot, its still a lot of fun.  Our last couple games are against teams that are closer to our size so we should be competitive in those games.  I got to see the Reds (Brisbane Rugby team) play at Suncorp stadium a few weeks back and they are all huge.  The guy who plays my position (#8) is twice as big as I am and played very well.  We also got to go to the A-League Final where the Brisbane Roar won on a controversial pk call.  It was a great game and great atmosphere.  We took tons of pictures of the stadium and all the crazy fans.  The semester only has a month left before finals and more importantly, the beard is going strong.  More updates to come soon, because so much always happens in Australia.

 I really look forward to the last part of my time in Australia but I miss all you guys back in the states too.  Keep it real and keep in touch.
