Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Getting Used To A New Routine...

By now, its the 4th week of classes and I am getting a hang of my schedule of classes and other activities that make up a normal week.  It is hard to get used to the 5 am Thursday morning Rugby practices but it'll be worth it soon enough.  We have the Fresher-Gents game on Sunday, which means the freshman team goes up against the returning players at Cromwell.  Needless to say, the freshers aren't supposed to win, but hopefully we give them a good match.

Classes are going well so far (Yes, Mom, I am going to class).  Not as many assignments as Dickinson so the responsibility lies on me to make sure I stay up to date.  It is tough but I think I can get it done.  The Social Psych class is my favorite so far, as it is building on what I already know and is easily observable in day to day activities.  Marine Bio is also very interesting but it is out of my comfort zone.  I enjoy learning about all the different organisms that live in different parts of the shore in accordance to the tide and all that jazz, but let's be honest, I just took that class for the field trips.

One of which was this past weekend.  I, as well as 20 or so other students in the class, went up to Moreton Bay on North Stradbroke Island.  This trip was focused on the shore and the tidal factors affecting the different organisms in the area.  We caught a bunch of fish with a huge net.  My group specifically looked at the shell selection behavior in hermit crabs.  We didn't get significant results but we quickly realized that empty shells to use as potential new shells for the crabs were hard to find.  While the trip was fun, there was more work and research that I expected.  I suppose it was a research trip so it makes sense.  But also while we were there Nick Rapp and I mastered the art of throwing boomerangs.  It started out very slowly and with a lot of shameful chasing of boomerangs that didn't turn back, but soon developed into a two man game of 500.  So much fun, even when we got the boomerang stuck in a tree and had to throw rocks at it to get it down (which we did after 15 or so minutes).

I am also still in search of people to join me to get to Hillsong United Church in Brisbane. Hopefully, this Sunday will work out to get there in the morning but again it is a busy weekend with rugby randomly throughout the day.

As far as food goes, Tim Tams are king.  Not quite as good as Oreos but definitely in the same family.  The dessert here is pretty good on some days but very mediocre on other days.  The best I've had so far was a lemon sponge cake with coconut sprinkled on top.  So, I'm not ready to come home, but I will be looking forward to some Texas Sheet cake when I get back in late June :)

Stay Keen Mates,

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